Megaman (HK) Electrical & Lighting Ltd.

Megaman uses Open Text Document Server, Alchemy Edition for email grouping
Megaman is a leading brand in energy saving lamps and an innovative leader in lamp design and associated technology. Megaman is committed to innovate new products and ideas in order to provide the best lighting solution to consumers.

As a leading lighting company, Megaman needs to manage a large number of emails every day. Those emails are usually filed by the senders/receivers individually in their computer. However, users often find difficulties in recording and/or retrieving emails.
Besides, since the emails are sent to the particular recipient(s), the company does not have a general copy for recording. Consequently, it is difficult for managers to monitor each business case and the assigned staff.

Serving the need for email grouping, Greensboro has helped Megaman to implement the Open Text Document Server, Alchemy Edition. Alchemy is a DMS that is mainly used for filing documents and is specialized in indexing and retrieving documents. With customization made by Greensboro’s specialists, all emails of Megaman are filed by Groupwise Email Server. The server will help to group the sent/received emails directly without any manual action; therefore, users can easily retrieve the needed emails.
On the other hand, Greensboro has also set up the Vessel Email Filing system. This filing system can group all the sent/received emails electronically according to the business case. Therefore, all emails will be kept as a copy for company's references and the manager can check the case easily at any time.

With email groupings, Megaman has enjoyed a well-improved efficiency. Users are able to get the needed document or email in seconds, which save their time for other tasks.
Also, the email filing system has also enhanced the service level of Megaman since the staff can substantiate their responses with well-kept records.
Yang Ming Line (Hong Kong) Limited

Using Open Text RightFax to automate shipping document process
Yang Ming Line (Hong Kong) Limited is the general shipping agency of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, which is one of the world's leading, experienced container transportation companies. More than a dozen of branch offices and agents were set up in Northern and Southern China.

The rapid development of the national import and export business increase the number of cross-region fax which bring challenges to company.
- How to manage a large number of cross-region fax?
- How to save huge cost for communication and paper supply?
- How to deal with the problem of low efficiency brought by traditional fax?

To solve the above problems, Greensboro provided Open Text RightFax with a customized solution according to Yang Ming’s current business operation. There are 13 branches uses RightFax Enterprise System with more than 100 Fax channels in total. The system is shown as below:
With RightFax's high-speed fax processing power, customer can handle million of fax per day. Thanks to LCR (fax through the Internet), Cross-region fax file can be sent through internet and save cost of long distance call dramatically.
To facilitate management, all branch’s faxes are routed to Nanjing for centralized archiving. Customer service team can view all fax sending and receiving status in central office.

Reduced cost on communication and paper supplies
RightFax's LCR feature successfully help companies automates fax handling process. User can send and receive fax on their computer through the Fax Server instead of paper. Company no longer spends huge amount on fax paper and long distance call.

Enhance the productivity and efficiency
RightFax's high-speed fax processing help customers deal with huge amount of fax. Millions of fax can be processed automatically per day. Users’ working time can be saved that more time can be devoted to business-critical issues and provide faster and better service.

Strengthen the fax file management
Cross-region fax is easily centralized and archived in RightFax Server. Meanwhile, users in different regions manage their fax independently and flexibly by creating folders and tracking the document handling status on their own. RightFax simplify the multi branches/ regions document management.

Ensure the security of sensitive document
RightFax ensures faxes security by setting user privilege. The fax content and handling status can only be accessed by default user account with password. With the backup function, fax status and information can be tracked easily and archived securely. All company’s sensitive documents have been perfectly regulated.
As a result, Yang Ming Line (HK) Limited achieves a secure, efficient and automated fax management which the business efficiency has greatly been enhanced.
Profit Travel Company Limited

FAX system stability and efficiency
Profit Travel Co., Ltd. has been using Open Text RightFax fax service system to improve operational efficiency for quite a period.
There are many new fax service systems on the market, and Profit Travel has chosen to use the OpenText RightFax system because the more than 25 years of history of the product, and both the performance and data transmission stability is comparatively much higher than other competitors. Users only need to handle through personal computer to complete all fax work, and no need to complete their works by fax machine. In addition, RightFax can identify whether the outgoing order has received a reply, to avoid misleading communication errors and being paperless.
Greensboro understands the process and needs of Profit Travel, and tailor-made for their personalized fax program to meet their daily operations, such as to carter the large number of orders to facilitate faxing by adding a barcode identification system to ensure that orders have been delivered or received to avoid errors. Another reason for using RightFax by Profit Travel is because of the after-sales service of Greensboro and OpenText.